About Puppets Fan Art iTunes

Episode 44: The Future and Decisions

Hey, everybody runs into hard times once in a while, over and over again, no matter what we try to do differently. But you know what will always be there for you? The future–and the Children’s Hour of Knowledge! Join us as we close our eyes and go rushing forward into a better yesterday… tomorrow!

This podcast contains samples from the Free Sound Project by elliottmoo, malexmedia, ngruber, kingsrow, reg7783, vmgraw, StonedB, sandyrb, bone666138, DJ Chronos, Zarkonnen, KingofPampers, northern87, Klerrp (twice), LoafDV, Benboncan, jnr hacksaw, and tmokonen.

Episode 22: Radiation and Marijuana

Come again, guv’nor? You say it’s nineteen-hundred thirtysomething in the twentieth century?! Harken back to the days of lore as the present and future of the Children’s Hour of Knowledge come face to face with the face… of its past!

This episode features special guest Kristofer Straub of Starslip and Chainsawsuit!