What do you get when you take a show that’s Just “4” Kids, divide by two, subtract one, and struggle on in the face of overwhelming loss and grief? That’s right–the all-singing, all-dancing, all-mysteries-revealing SEASON FINALE!
This podcast contains samples from the Free Sound Project by fuzzpapi, tmokonen, northern87, DJ Chronos, sandyrb, and StonedB, used under Creative Commons license.
Hey, everybody runs into hard times once in a while, over and over again, no matter what we try to do differently. But you know what will always be there for you? The future–and the Children’s Hour of Knowledge! Join us as we close our eyes and go rushing forward into a better yesterday… tomorrow!
This podcast contains samples from the Free Sound Project by elliottmoo, malexmedia, ngruber, kingsrow, reg7783, vmgraw, StonedB, sandyrb, bone666138, DJ Chronos, Zarkonnen, KingofPampers, northern87, Klerrp (twice), LoafDV, Benboncan, jnr hacksaw, and tmokonen.
Ah, zoology–the special branch of science dedicated to worshiping the mysteries of life! Where do we come from? How do we smell? What drives animals to weave their complex and beautiful dance of dominance, cruelty and death? We’ll never know unless we… ask somebody!
This podcast contains samples from the Free Sound Project by sittingmonkeyanim, Zabuhailo, Reitanna, AntumDeluge, wisslgisse, vedas, Autistic Lucario, Elfman-Rox, pepv, acclivity,
Sure, the CHK is Just For Kids, but what about the universe of universities? This week, Bongo and Davey take a minute to “cap their gowns” and leap looklessly into the world of academia! Joined by a noted “Doctor” of Divinity , they’ll live, laugh and learn more about the kind of education that gets you… higher!
This podcast contains samples from the Free Sound Project by CapsLok, stewdio2003, altfuture, and Setuniman.
Music. Finance. Literature. Animals… and the handicapped. Today, as never before, we’re proud to bring you our most restrained and dignified episode yet. The kind of real storytelling. We’ve always wanted to do. From the hills of Appalachia to the deepest inner city. From yachting to romance. From past to present. A look into the future. Of this… puppet… life.
Guest-starring the phenomenal Joe Hills as Prufrock J. Endoplasm! This podcast contains samples from the Free Sound Project by nicklubimov,milton., Halleck, Corsica_S, saphe, phenoxy and JaredGibb, as well as a recording from the Free Music Archive by Quantum Jazz.
There’s plenty of “raps” to “beat” this week, but we’re not talking about hop jams–Bongo and Davey are here to explore the wonders of trial by jury with their very own lives! Be sure to pay attention to hear a spectacular collection of guest puppets, or we’ll hold you in contempt… of my heart!
Featuring a SECRET SURPRISE GUEST who will get his credit next week! This podcast includes samples from the Free Sound Project by odditonic, soundmary, mredig and RutgerMuller.
Sometimes, we have people who really matter in our lives, and sometimes those people are gone. It’s a tough subject for our boys to tackle, but fortunately, Matronly Margaret is here to help them deal with it! It’s going to be fine!!! ITS FINE!!!!! THERE ARE EVEN SOME POOP JOKES
This podcast contains samples from the Free Sound Project by Pogotron, altfuture, RutgerMuller, and Srehpog.
Ah… remember high school? Yearbooks? Textbooks? Matchbooks? Of course you don’t! The Hour of Knowledge is for Kids Only! But if you did remember, I’d urge you to read the “fine print” about your memories. They may be closer… than they appear!
Carolyn is voiced by the brilliant Angela Webber of the Doubleclicks! This podcast contains samples from the Free Sound Project by fons (1, 2, 3), chipfork, and juskiddink.
Ever wondered where the sun sets? Where the rainbow goes? Why birds can fly over it–but you can’t? Even on a plane? Join us as we explore a musical mystery years in the making, and unravel the secret of why the chicken crossed… the sky!
This podcast contains samples from the Free Sound Project by tgfcoder, derficker and Pogotron, as well as “The Lake” by Severed Fifth, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike license.
What’s for dinner? Or, perhaps we should be asking–what WAS for dinner? That’s the “mystery” afoot at the Pirate Broadcast Center, but don’t worry: Davey, Bongo, and a special surprise guest are “just in case!”
This podcast contains samples from the Free Sound Project by–get ready–adcbicycle, Alvinwhatup2, CastIronCarousel, oxymore, Benboncan, dobroide, payattention, BMacZero, ecfike, Project_Trident, danieldouch, lolamadeus, Eneasz, LampEight, bulbastre, FreqMan, XxBirdoxX, scriptique, amsempl (several more times), swimignorantfire, videog, CastIronCarousel, abbahoot, and TicTacShutUp.
Are you hungry for a “power pellet?” Want to “level up” in “intelligence?” Well, luckily you don’t have to go to the arcade this time–we’ve got a new episode streaming down your cybernet, packed with bleeps, bloops, bits, bytes, and enough pixels to make you… sick-cell!
This podcast features a special guest appearance by Ashly Burch of Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin’ and Baked Goods! It also features samples from the Free Sound Project by Pogotron, TicTacShutUp, oxymore, Benboncan, dobroide, JamesOC, paytattention, thanvannispen, and morgantj, as well as “The Lake” by Severed Fifth, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike license.
What happens when you mix eight milliliters of Bongo, ten centimeters of Davey, forty pounds of surprise guest and a little bit of knowledge? Stand back, kids, because the results might just be… chemical!
This podcast contains samples from freesound.org by (get ready) gallagho, beatbed, wildweasel, adcbicycle, CGEffex (1, 2), pierrecartoons1979, Jon285, Robinhood76, watupgroupie and NoiseCollector.
What’s that? You’ve scented something on the breath of the wind? Are the rumors possible?! Tune your ear to the frequency of magic, and cross-reference by the longitude and latitude of the unknown, because the Children’s Hour of Knowledge is… back!
This podcast contains samples from the Free Sound Project by PaperJam, Kulanan, steveygos93, and kjackson. Special thanks to an unknown hero of MIDI composition.
This podcast contains a samples from the Free Sound Project by wildweasel, Filipe Chagas, Therac-25, hello_flowers, audible-25, CGEffex, sapht, ssaada1, and Robinhood76. Special thanks to secret guest star Kara Neary!